We accept the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), click here to learn more


Painless Financing

At Alpen Dental, we provide our most complete treatment plans to everyone we can, regardless of their budget. We know that a trip to the dentist can bring financial concerns, so we will help you find a solution that works for your needs. We want to focus on what matters most, your health. Let’s determine what makes the most clinical sense, and then explore any financing options.

Alpen Dental accepts most insurance plans and we will happily help you with any questions that you have. It is the patient’s responsibility to know if and to what extent their treatment is covered by their insurance policy, though. We’ll help you communicate with your insurance carrier, but we are prevented from direct communication with some insurance companies by Alberta’s Privacy Laws.

Patients are responsible for all charges not covered by their insurance. We accept payment by Visa and Mastercard, as well as debit or cash.

The Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide

We proudly follow the Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide, which promotes transparency in providers’ dental fees. The guide allows you to compare our costs to others to ensure we charge fair prices. We’re committed to helping you find the dentist you prefer at a reasonable price.

Dentists set their own fees using this guide. Our patients deserve fair pricing and an understanding of where we fall within that price range.

Learn more in the Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide about pricing for:

  • Teeth removal
  • Routine cleanings
  • Fillings and crowns
  • Checkups

Please contact us if you have any questions. You may phone our offices during operating hours, or use the contact form to ask your questions via email.